Section 3 Our Separation From God - 09 Supernatural Phenomenon

7. Channeled Teachings

Question: Who are these so-called ascended masters and spirit guides?

God’s answer:

Antenna to the cosmos


A person praying to the dead



They think they are gods.

Meaning: They are the souls of the deceased. In reading further into this, I found that this description is accurate (please see Wikipedia

In the Chapter: Life after Death, God explained what purgatory is. These souls are those who are in purgatory who still have a convoluted notion about God and their relationship with God.


God's warning:

Beware of Spirit Guides
Misery loves company.

Misery loves company means "unhappy people like other people to be unhappy too."9

Question: What do you say this?

God's answer:

Sounding board
They know they are not in Heaven.
They need someone to believe they are.

A sounding board is "a person whose reactions serve as a measure of the acceptability of an idea or course of action."10

Question: Why do they need someone to believe they are in Heaven?

God's answer:

It makes them feel better

Question: Why would that make them feel better?

God's answer:

I am a god.
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